Frequently Asked Questions
d-portal Tools
View your data#
Once your organisation’s data is registered with IATI, it can be accessed by anyone through tools such as d-portal. Recent changes can take up to 48 hours to update.
To view your data on d-portal, select your organisation from the drop-down list of Reporting Organisations. Then click “Explore Results” to see the overview page for your organisation, including:
- Active, ended, and total number of activities
All your published IATI activities, split by status. Click any of these to see a list of your activities.
- Funding went to…
Your organisation’s annual spend and budget for recipient countries. Allocated budget shows activity level budgets for each country. Total budget shows organisation level budgets.
- Where does the money go?
Your organisation’s annual spend and budget by sector, using DAC 3 Digit sector codes.
- Heatmap of all activities
A heatmap of all your activities using longitude and latitude data.
- Organisation file
Information reported in your organisation file, including organisation level documents and budgets.
You can also click the “View this organisation as a Participating Organisation” button. This displays activities which reference your organisation as a funding, accountable, extending, or implementing organisation.