Getting started#

Searching d-portal#

d-portal provides a search function which allows you to explore IATI data. This is made up of filters and a freetext box. As you build your search query, the number of filtered IATI activities will update.


The filters are based on elements of the IATI Standard. These include recipient countries, sectors, and reporting organisations, for example. You can select multiple filters using the dropdown menus. Clicking on “More Filters” displays a wider range of filters.


The freetext search box searches against the Title and Description elements of IATI activities.

Once your search query is ready, you can click “Explore Results” to view the activities.

You can use the settings options at the top right to change the currency, language, and 12-month period your results are displayed in.

Downloading Results#

Your results page will include summary figures and table previews. If you click on any of these you will be presented with a table, with a CSV download button at the top right.

Location data can also be downloaded from heatmaps into a CSV file.

Example Questions#

To practise using d-portal, you can find the answers to these example questions:

  • How many projects are taking place in Ghana on water and sanitation (Sector group 140)?

  • Which organisations are currently working on tackling Ebola in Guinea?

  • How much of UNDP funding went to Sierra Leone in 2015 in UK pounds?

  • Which government is the original funder of this activity: MW-NBM-R1527-W106?

  • Which two countries received the largest amount of aid as a response to Hurricane Matthew?